Donation Information

Californians Against Waste depends on individual contributions from thousands of Californians.

To support the direct lobbying efforts of Californians Against Waste, click here.

For a donation eligible for tax-deductions, please designate your donation to "Californians Against Waste Foundation."

Our efforts to promote strong environmental legislation are met with fierce opposition from corporations that significantly outspend us year after year. But with your support, we can continue conducting research, organizing support, and crafting legislation needed to protect California's environment.

Donate by Phone

We are available to take your call Monday-Friday from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Pacific Standard Time.  If you would like to call outside of these hours, feel free to leave a message with your phone number and an appropriate time for us to call you back. 

To make a donation by phone with your credit card, please call Californians Against Waste at 916-443-5422.

Donate by Mail

Please mail your check to:
Californians Against Waste Foundation
921 11th St., Suite 502
Sacramento, CA 95814

Donate through Your Work

We proudly partner with EarthShare & accept other workplace giving campaigns.


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