AB 525 (Gordon, 2011-12) - Tire Recycling

AB 525 (Gordon) extends CalRecycle's successful Rubberized Asphalt Concrete tire recycling program.

Position and Status CAW Supports. AB 525 just passed both houses and was signed into law by Governor Brown on October 8, 2011.

Used tires continue to be landfilled and burned for energy in California, risking a repeat of the devastating tire pile fires in the Central Valley and avoiding the benefits of recycling these tires. Despite the significant funding and human resources expended by CalRecycle (formerly CIWMB), California still landfills or burns approximately 24% of the 45 million used tires generated each year.

The recycling of tires in Rubberized Asphalt Concrete reduces the number of tires disposed, while improving the quality of California roads and reducing overall paving and repaving costs. While there are many uses for scrap tires, RAC continues to be one of the highest and best uses for them. RAC makes longer lasting, safer, quieter, recyclable roads and continues to provide a stable end-use market for millions of used tires.

The CalRecycle RAC grant program has been successful in increasing RAC usage across the state. As the state and more local jurisdictions increase their usage of RAC, market forces will ensure its long term viability. Until that time, this program provides the necessary incentive to keep California on that path.

CAW Staff Contacts.
Nick Lapis (916) 443-5422

Assembly Member Rich Gordon
State Capitol, Sacramento, CA 95814

Current Language, Analyses and Votes.

Californians Against Waste
California Resource Recovery Association
California State Association of Counties
City of Lakewood
CRM Company
Regional Council of Rural Counties