Dec 31 - What are your 2016 New Year's resolutions for the environment?

1.  Support us so that we can continue to work on environmental policies in California; a model for the rest of the country. Endorse our campaign to protect the statewide plastic bag ban.

2. Refuse, reduce, reuse, repair, redesign, repurpose, reclaim, renew, rethink, recycle more.

3.  Use less plastic.  Ditch single-use items by remembering to use your reusable water bottle, travel mug, and grocery bags.  Say no to packaging by buying in bulk and making more things.  Dine in instead of taking food away.  Ask for drinks with no straw.

4.  Reduce your emissions.  Drive less and make sure your tires are at optimum pressure if you do.  Wear layers instead of turning the heat up.  Eat fewer animal products.  Buy locally.

5.  Use less electricity. Turn lights off and unplug items around the house when not in use.  Make some sort of shift to renewables whether it be getting solar panels or investing in wind energy.

6.  Use less water.  Turn it off when brushing your teeth and doing the dishes. Take shorter showers and flush the toilet less. Only wash full loads in washing machine and dishwasher. Fix water leaks.  If you must water your lawn, don’t do so in the middle of the day.

7.  Waste less food.  Don’t buy more than you need and store it properly for optimal freshness.  Keep food scraps out of landfill by composting.

8.  Go chemical free.  Buy organic produce grown without pesticides.  Dispose of old pharmaceuticals properly.  Buy products with natural ingredients.

9.  Cut down on paper waste.  Use washcloths instead of paper towels.  Subscribe digitally to your favorite newspapers and magazines.  Opt for electronic bills instead of paper ones.  Call the companies who continually send you junkmail.

10.  Consume less to conserve the resources and energy used to make, transport, and dispose of things.

Nick Lapis